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Character Approvals

Character Approvals
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Please note- if you are trying to get your character approved on the web site here are a few things you should know.

-If you're applying to the guild, but not yet in it, your character will not be approved for our web site. Generally the only "non-members" on our site are friends of our guild and not members that we do not know.

-If you are a character that I don't recognize, I won't approve your character. If you are in the guild and I've missed seeing you in guild, post HERE and let me know who you are and you will be approved and moved to a Member status. Once I've approved the character based on who you are- I'll delete the request in the forum.

-If you are a Member already and are trying to approve a character that you've added to the guild separate from your initial registration- please go to your Account details and add your character there. There is no need for separate logins for all of your characters. If you are not clear on how to add characters to your Account, post HERE for further instructions.

My apologies if I've denied and deleted your registration- if I've done so it's because I don't recognize you yet. Please be sure to post up and re-register if you are truly new to the guild and hadn't before posted for access.

Thank you.
Quote by Amariselas
I am a member, joined 12/16.

All set Amariselas. Be sure to check out http://www.dragonarmy.dkpsystem.com/viewthread.php?threadid=2 if you're not sure how to post on the site or how to best operate the forums
Quote by randomflux
i just would like to become a raider and i also noticed that all the raids that i attended i got no dkp. just wondering if i needed to become member at least b4 i got credit?

You get dkp as an initiate, but you need to associate your character ( you do this yourself) with a toon for dkp. This allows ppl to list any 70s under one account that may be in a dkp raid. The dkp goes to the toon that is in the raid, which is explained more fully on the tagged threads.
Quote by randomflux
i just would like to become a raider and i also noticed that all the raids that i attended i got no dkp. just wondering if i needed to become member at least b4 i got credit?

Guynamedsue tracks and makes sure he keeps a log of DKP earned for people raiding. If those people do not make accounts on the site...or just made accounts not too long ago he may not have gotten to add the DKP in for you yet. It doesn't mean you don't have it, he just hasn't gotten to add it yet. I'm confident that he'll get DKP updated as soon as he can for the people who have made records on the site. No worries.

And there is a waiting period to get from Member to Raider. The more raids you attend the better your chances of elevating your status. Also- be sure you've talked with Whisper because she's your class leader on your intent to be a Raider. If you've done that, hang tight and keep attending Raids

Be sure to check out these links:


Quote by Barlann
I am Converge now.

You're all set, Barlann
I look forward to dieing with y'all.

* Crazy F N Bird *
Quote by Pesce

How long does it take to get approved? I'm still showing as a non-member. I'd like to set-up all the other thingymaghigs but can't yet (like DKP) etc...

Pffft you'll get nothing and like it !!!
Quote by Mindi
Pffft you'll get nothing and like it !!!

I thought Mindi was nice. I should have known that Bears with BIG asses are ornery creatures. You're just jealous cause my feathery butt waddles.

BTW - Have you ever noticed the ornaments hanging from our Boomkin forms? Those are Feral tails. We eat them for lunch...

I think I'm gonna like u guys

* Crazy F N Bird *
Quote by Hoots

How long does it take to get approved? I'm still showing as a non-member. I'd like to set-up all the other thingymaghigs but can't yet (like DKP) etc...

on the right side, where you see your name you can put in a req to fix to memeber
Starieskys/ledda need approval


Approve me if ya would! Newly added to the ranks, and looking to get the admin taken care of ....

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

I would like to change my main from Infernally to Wingwraith. I'll be uploading my DPKProfile when I get off work.


Abit Ip35-Pro
E6750 @ 3.4MHz (Exp Index = 6.8)
OCZ Platinum 1GB x 4 @ 850MHz 5-5-5-15 (Exp Index = 7.0)
HD 4890 (Exp Index = 7.6)
150GB Velociraptor (Exp Index = 5.9)
Windows 7 Pro

/bumping thread.

Keep up the good work

To new guild Members:
Please keep in mind that if you're in the guild and don't have forum Member access yet, to please kindly post up so that I know I've missed you.

If you have recently posted an Application and are awaiting a response, I will not be approving the Account or elevating Member access until and unless you're a Member of the guild.

Please approve account so that i can see guild messages
Please approve my account. Thank you

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